Search API2

Search and finding assets


Method Name Returns
searchassets Record set

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input (Dates are in European format)
api_key A valid api key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
searchfor The search entry. Same search syntax as in Search and Find Assets applies. String yes Your search term.You can use the same search syntax as within Razuna.Please see Search and Find Assets
show What kind of assets to show String no all = All assets (default) img = Images onlyvid = Videos only doc = Documents only aud = Audios only
doctype Filters the doc type. Only applies if “show” is set to “doc”! String no empty = All doc types (default) pdf = PDF xls = Excel doc = Word other = All other types
datecreate Search for files creation date String no Example: 2012-11-08 or 20121108 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 11.11.2012
datechange Search for files modification/changed date String no Example: 2012-11-08 or 20121108 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 11.11.2012
datecreaterange Search for files created within the given date range String no Example: 20150601 TO 20150701 Razuna 1.7.5 Hosted Edition 19.07.2015
datechangerange Search for files modified within the given date range String no Example: 20150601 TO 20150701 Razuna 1.7.5 Hosted Edition 19.07.2015
folderid When a folderid is being used, the search will only include results within this folder. String no 489427894 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 25.11.2012
sortby Option to sort results (see sample) String no Sort is according to the following values: name = filename (default) ; sizedesc = size descending ; sizeasc = size ascending ; dateadd = create date descending ; datechanged = change date descending Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 06.03.2013
available Show all files that are fully processed and available String no 1 (default) = is processed 0 = not processed Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 01.09.2013
startrow The row to start at. Will return results from this row on. Example: In order to get the next 25 results you would start from row 26! Number no 1 = default Razuna 1.7.5 Hosted Edition 15.04.2015
maxrows Maximum of records to return in the search. Number no 25 = default Razuna 1.7.5 Hosted Edition 15.04.2015
showrenditions Option to include renditions in the returning data load boolean no true (default) ; false Razuna 1.7.5 Hosted Edition 06.05.2015
dbdirect Set this to “true” to query the database directly.This also supports the “search for” parameter. But it will only search in the filename. Additionally, it supports the LIKE search. To do so you need to use “%”. NOTE: Doesn’t work with “show” and “doctype” parameters. String no false (default) ; true Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 01.09.2013
datecreateparam (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) SQL Parameter to use for getting records String no >, <, =>, =<, between, etc. Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012
datecreatestart (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) The start date and time String no Format has to be “yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00”. Example: 2012-12-11 17:00:00 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012
datecreatestop (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) The end date and time (used if you want to search with BETWEEN String no Format has to be “yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00”. Example: 2012-12-11 17:00:00 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012
datechangeparam (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) SQL Parameter to use for getting records String no >, <, =>, =<, between, etc. Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012
datechangestart (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) The start date and time String no Format has to be “yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00”. Example: 2012-12-11 17:00:00 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012
datechangestop (can only be used in combination with dbdirect!) The end date and time (used if you want to search with BETWEEN) String no Format has to be “yyyy-mm-dd 00:00:00”. Example: 2012-12-11 17:00:00 Razuna 1.6 Hosted Edition 13.12.2012

Field search:

As mentioned the search via API supports the same syntax as the search within Razuna. In other words you can search generally as just providing a search term (example: “audrey hepurn”) or provide a more field like search. The field search especially allows you to search for words in “keywords, “description”, “labels”, etc. Example: labels:myLabel or keywords:audrey.

Output Value

Name Description Sample Output
Response A result code with the status of the login. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
totalassetscount How many assets are in this folder 8
calledwith The search term you called with method with Audrey Hepurn
list of fields the list of fields of each asset see sample output


As of Razuna 1.6 (hosted edition since 11.11.2012) the search additionally returns the create and change dates of each record.

As of Razuna 1.6 (hosted edition since 16.12.2012) the search also returns the collection id(s) the file might be in in the column “colid”

Remember to always encode your URL parameters!

REST: Sample request


REST: Sample request with multiple search criteria (showing only images and renditions)


REST: Sample request for getting files within a given date range

/global/api2/search.cfc?method=searchassets&api_key=54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943&searchfor=batman&datecreaterange=20150601 TO 20150701

REST: Sample request search within a date range and the dbdirect method

&searchfor=batman*&dbdirect=true&datecreatestart=2012-12-11 17:00:00&datecreatestop=2012-12-12 17:00:00&datecreateparam=between

Sample Output

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Output Format :

Remember you can adjust the output dynamically. The API returns JSON by default. For record sets it defaults to a ROW based set, if you need COLUMNS simply append “&BDQUERYFORMAT=column” to your call. In case, you need JSONP you want to append “&BDRETURNFORMAT=jsonp&callback=?”. In order to retrieve XML (WDDX) you simply need to append “&__BDRETURNFORMAT=wddx”.

Search for Labels

Since Razuna 1.5 there is also the option to search for labels. Since the search API depends on the search within Razuna you can also leverage the label search within the API. In order to do so, you simply do a field search as in:


In this example; “Labels” is the field and “Animals” is the label. Simply add this to the searchtext as in any other search and it would looks like this:


Remember to escape any paramater so the searchtext would actually be encoded and be “&searchtext=labels%3A(Animals)”.

As in any other search you might want to combine many labels in your search. As an example, I would have an asset taged with “Animals” and “Animals/Big Animals”. In this case, we would “AND” them all together and combine them into a field search as in:


Again, you need to encode the URL as in this example it would be “&searchtext=labels%3A(Animals)%2C(Animals+big+animals)”. You only need to URL encode characters outside the “()”!

Search for Custom Fields

Just as with Labels you have the option to integrate custom fields in your search since Razuna 1.5.

As custom fields can be dynamically created within Razuna or the API, you will need to know the custom field ID to search against. (You can grab the ID within Razuna or by querying the Custom Fields API). Once you now the field ID you add the ID and your value together and execute the search. As in:

customfieldvalue:(+255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C +:audrey)

In this example, we assume that my custom field ID is “255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C” and the value I’m looking for is “audrey”. Again, just like with any other search, you need to add this to your API call as in:

&searchfor=customfieldvalue:(+255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C +audrey)

NOTE: You NEED to combine them with () in order for the search to work properly. In order to search for many custom field value you can combine the search like this:

&searchfor=customfieldvalue:(+255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C +audrey) AND customfieldvalue:(+237503B5-BB08-4658-8E4EFC2759847F07 +T)

As of Razuna 1.7.5 the select multiple field is available. In order to search for multiple values in in a custom field you simply “+” the values in your API call:

&searchfor=customfieldvalue:(+255F307E-AE5A-4E66-AD2F6BBE81D0541C +audrey +female +beauty)

Remember to always encode your URL parameters! Example: customfieldvalue%253A(%252BF3013F39-D493-4D06-A44A04C5145D3AC7%2520%252B048001213364)

As you can see, the search allows for some very powerful ways to query your storage store within Razuna and only retrieve the assets you need within your application. Now, with the power of the above examples we are sure you can come up with some very useful methods to add Razuna to your existing application stack.

Indexing/rebuilding the search index


This API method is available since the 1.6 release (hosted platform as of September 2013)

The below API method gives you the option to trigger the indexing of all files not indexed yet, triggering indexing of individual files (re-index) or trigger a full re-build (indexing of all files in your library).


Method Name Returns
searchIndex Status

Input Parameter

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Input
api_key A valid API key String yes 54592180-7060-4D4B-BC74-2566F4B2F943
assetid The id of the asset or a list of id’s (delimited with a “,”) String yes Possible values are: assetid = single assetid or list of assetids all = rebuild search index

Output Value

Parameter Description Type Required Sample Output
Response A result code with the status. If the result is 0 the method was successful. 0
message Message of the result see sample output

REST: Sample Request


Sample Output

{["responsecode":"0","message":"Indexing successfully triggered"]}